If your WordPress website is slow, crashes from time to time, your hosting may be to blame. When website traffic increases and the server is not powerful enough, problems can begin. To prevent this, you can try to optimize your website, ask hosting support to increase the capacity of your server or change hosting. When choosing hosting, it is important that it has sufficient capacity, sufficient power, technical support, the ability to increase capacity and capacity at any time. Choosing the right hosting is very important, and with so many options available, choosing the right one can seem overwhelming. In this article, we will look at the main types of hosting, the most popular service providers and how to choose the most suitable hosting for your WordPress website or online store.
Shared hosting
A popular choice for small websites as it is one of the cheapest types of hosting. This hosting works by placing several websites on one server, sharing server resources between them. The main advantage of this type of hosting is the cost. The main disadvantages are limited resources, slower page loading speed and potentially more frequent interruptions.
VPS hosting (Virtual Private Server)
A virtual private server is a step up from shared hosting. With VPS hosting, server resources are shared among multiple users, but each user gets their own virtual share of the server. The main advantages are more resources than in shared hosting, more control and options to configure as needed. The main disadvantages are the cost and the knowledge required to maintain and configure the server.
Managed WordPress hosting
This type of hosting is specially optimized for WordPress websites and is one of the best solutions if you want a fast and secure website without having to manage the server yourself. Key benefits: WordPress optimized for speed and security, automatic updates, backups and other technical aspects are managed for you, plus excellent technical support if you encounter any problems. The main disadvantages are that it is more expensive and has limited configuration options.
Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting is a flexible hosting solution that allows your website to use multiple servers in the cloud for high availability and speed. This type of hosting is suitable for websites that have a variable flow of visitors. The main advantages are flexibility and the ability to increase/decrease resources as needed. High performance and availability, even if one server is experiencing problems. A good solution for websites with a large number of visitors. The main disadvantages are that it can be complex and require technical expertise, and costs can vary depending on the resources used.
Dedicated server hosting
Dedicated server hosting is a type of hosting in which one or more physical servers are assigned to your website, which provides maximum amount of resources, flexibility and control. The main advantages are full server and configuration control, large resources and high performance. The main disadvantages are high costs and the need for in-depth technical knowledge.
Main conclusions
When choosing website hosting, you need to consider your budget, technical expertise and website requirements. Shared hosting or VPS may be enough for small websites, larger websites and online stores will need something more serious, Managed WordPress hosting or Cloud hosting, so that the website has optimal speed, security and performance. Good hosting is an investment that will help your website grow and develop.
Some of the hosting services that we have personally used and are satisfied with are SiteGround, Cloudways, Nano, DigitalOcean, WP Engine and FirstHost.
If you need help choosing hosting, feel free to contact us.